2 August 2011

Small Dance

Be still.
Listen... what do you hear?
Sense the weight and depth of your own body ... its position...

Notice the length of your spine, width of your shoulders,
depth of your torso
Breathe... sense the impulse of the breath throughout the body.

Be still... Listen... to the silence... to the pulse of your heart...
Listen as the sounds touch your body
Take time to yawn...stir...stretch...
Notice what is numb, stiff, uncomfortable.

What lies at the borders of your attention?
Soften the edges of your body... as the window...opening
What lies beyond your gaze...what is close...touches the body...?
What is illuminated...what lies in the shadows...
What glows...moves...is still...is hidden...?
Sense the movement...textures...vibrations of what is within...
What is around you?

Breathe...see how deep the breath reaches into the body
Watch how your body changes

As you breathe in...as you breathe out?
Listen as impulses call on the body...sense the movement of response
Let the body listen...dream...move and answer.

~ Miranda Tunell

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