19 December 2013

Sharing 2013 Singapore

 Moving The Rhythm Workshop

This short and informative workshop allowed me to experiment with various actions through which I found my most comfortable movement, as illustrated by this strain / release symbol I drew after the experience.
The centre shows being in a tensed up position whilst the spokes shows the release of energy as I did the strain / release action.

Thank you for the enjoyable and fun experience. ~ Wendy

Moving The Rhythm & Authentic Movement Workshops

Thanks... I'm delighted to join the workshops...

I would like to express that, the workshops have brought up my passion again on music...
~ Janet  

Dear Elizabeth, 
I had 2 wonderful sessions, they were very meaningful for me. I would like to thank you sincerely with my heart.
"I love all the movements. They make me feel alive, and in touched with myself.  It makes me "real".  All movements relate to me in different way.  It is almost like an awakening moment for me. This big part of me has been sleeping all these while." ~ Klaire

To read more on Moving the Rhythm, just click on the title. 

Talk on Dance Movement Therapy at DSA for Parents
I am glad I attended the talk by Ms Elizabeth Rutten - Ng because I learnt how valuable is dance movement therapy for everyone and not just our special kids. I had been excited to discover how it works well for non - verbal clients but I understand now how it benefits even the chattiest person.

During our practical, we were told not to talk but enter into the music and the movements. It really deepened our experience when we were not talking or using our minds. This therapy is therefore ideal for non -verbal clients because the therapist does not rely on the client expressing himself but from her own observations of his body and movements.

Our bodies are the storehouses of our experiences, thoughts, emotions etc and never lie. As our mind influences our body, the reverse is also true and the therapist working through the body can effect healing of past experiences and also bring about desirable changes to the brain.

Since this therapy does not require verbal communication from the client it has a great advantage over many other therapies and provides a tool to understand and help any client. ~ Anne

Interested in our workshops? Like to be updated both in Netherlands and Singapore, drop an email at dancetherapy.kmp@gmail.com or visit Embodied Movement website. 

1 October 2013

Master in Dance Therapy

The subjects I have been trained in the Master programme in Dance Therapy in Codarts:

Main Subjects
Dance Therapy Theory and Methods
Dance Therapy Group Process
Laban Movement Analysis (includes Bartenieff Fundamentals)

Developmental Psychology
Therapeutic schools
Group process and Dynamics
Therapeutic Interventions

Research Design/Methodology

Professional Practice

Current Advanced Training (Refer to CV)
Ways of Seeing Methods
Kestenberg Movement Profile
Infant Developmental Movement Education

Primary School Teacher
Drama and Movement Teacher

9 September 2013

10th September

Dance for the love
Dance to what you feel
Dance to every swirl

Dance for the love
Dance even when you feel pain
Dance knowing all will be well

Dance for love
Dance under the sun or rain

Dance for love
Dance with words to say
Dance all day

Dance for love
Dance when you leave
Dance and still believe that is life
is so sweet

Dance for love and dance until you think you have enough
~ Lilly De Vries

Thank you Lilly for the sweet card and poem on 'Dance'! <3
Thank you to my family in-laws for their lovely cards! <3
Thank you family and friends for your well-wishes, support and encouragement all these years! <3

After freelancing for three years, this year birthday not only marked my birth but also officially put a stamp on my practice and company "Embodied Movement" (EM). I am both the founder and director running full swing owning my business today. I registered myself in KVK! 
I launch EM on the day I was born, 

<3 Let us keep DANCING! <3 

Love, hugs & blessings,
Elizabeth & Jeroen Rutten

4 September 2013

Authentic Movement

Active imagination is based on the natural, healing function of the imagination, which tends to take us directly to, and eventually through, the emotional core of one complexes. 
~ Joan Chodorow, Authentic Movement, p.301

Embodied Movement is offering "Authentic Movement - Back to Base" workshop both in Netherlands in September; November and December in Singapore. Visit Embodied Movement Website.  Read our feedback from our participants in our blog and facebook page.

21 August 2013

Sadness & Happiness

Sketch is done by Elizabeth Rutten-Ng, Founder of Embodied-Movement in her own personal reflection space.
Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height.
Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches.
Happiness is like a tree growing up into the sky and
Sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the Earth.

Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously.
The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots.
In fact, it is always in proportion.
That's its balance.
~ Osho

14 August 2013

Workshop Photos

Active imagination is the essence of that re-creative process. ~ Joan Chodorow

Sharing some photos captured by another photographer friend, Alan Wong, of our workshop 'Contact Improvisation and Dance Therapy' in Singapore 2013 which I co-facilitated with Vincent Yong, Danspire.  Thank you Alan for the lovely photos! ~ Elizabeth Rutten-Ng, Embodied Movement

11 August 2013

Letting Go, Let it Flow

Seeking to make sense, to clarify and yet being comfortable of not knowing.

Mindfulness and being in the presence with our body, mind, emotion and spirit ground us to be in peace within and outer.

It is a life process and journey.
Being open to let life unfold and be surprised by what is to be revealed.

Letting go, let it flow.

Letting go means it is to trust the unknown and the flow.
Let it flow means not to control every circumstance and situation under our thumb.

When action is needed to take, take.
When there is need to grief, grief.
When there is a need to stop, stop.
When there is need for boundary, set it.
When we don't know, we don't know.....

It is about striking a balance between the polarities
moving from one end to the other
and coming to homeostasis in every flow.

When we truly let it go, let it flow, we find peace reside within us.
There is a season under Heaven, every activity on Earth.
If we flow with what the season takes us, and be in the season,
the flow of life creates a harmony within us even in the midst of chaos.

It is natural, not forced, imposed or pretend.
It is pure organic.

~ Elizabeth Rutten-Ng, Embodied Movement - Dance Movement Therapy

11 July 2013

Experiences on Embody your Body and Baby

Rasilah is expecting her second baby and had an individual private session ‘Embody your Body and Baby’ with me. She continues to communicate, attune and notate using KMP massage taught in the session with her unborn child in her womb. Her husband, Tahar and her first born, Qif, communicate with her unborn baby as a family at home. She gave her permission to share about her processes over a period of time.

‘Still enjoying the fun, even Qif & daddy now join me nudging our little one & she now gives much stronger response.’

‘When we give a little tap on my tummy, she will give little kicks. A soothing rub from Tahar at my back like you did on me, she will response like a 'twirling' effect.. Ooh the experience I just luv it.’

‘A total new experience for us. We didn't have this experience when I was pregnant with Qif. During Qif time, we only talks to him & wait for him to move but this time we felt we have move involvement with our little one even from my womb.’

Thank you Rasilah for sharing your beautiful journey of your interaction and connection with your little one in your womb.  May you have a smooth and safe delivery in September!

Interested in our "Embody your Body & Baby" sessions, check our September classes - Yoga by Yoia and Embody your Body & Baby by Embodied Movement.  Dates will be out soon!

9 July 2013

About Baby

"Baby doesn't care what language you speak to them.
They read and feel your body language more than your verbal language." 
 ~ Elizabeth Rutten-Ng
Check our 'Bonding with your Baby' classes!

7 July 2013

Alternative ways or solutions: Aware Baby, DMT & KMP

Taken from Aware Baby, Aletha Solter, story on how to meet the needs of the child as well as mother.

'As a toddler, my son would sometimes tug at my legs when I was trying to cook dinner, He wanted me to carry him, and was perfectly happy when I did so, but it was impossible for me to cook dinner while holding him. What did he really need? To be near me and to see what I was doing. What were my needs? To be able to cook dinner, Solution: I pulled a chair over to the counter where I was working, and let him to stand on it. He was near me and was able to watch me, yet I was able to get my cooking done. We were both happy with that arrangement.'

I've involved my godson and his sister in cooking and they were eager, excited and more than willing to participate and cook with clear boundaries and structure. Another time, a friend and I were making salad and involved our friends' two sons. They enjoyed every bit and very cooperative. I enjoyed too cooking with the children and they are age 3 , 5 and 7 and 9.

Sometimes, when we are occupied in completing a task or wanting to get something done quickly, we can be overwhelmed by our own feelings of the urgency to get the things done. It doesn't help when we have a child who needs our undivided attention. It is good to take a step back and see if we can find an alternative way or solutions to meet both needs. Above is a good example. Instead of punishment or rewards, but meet both ways in between.

In dance/movement therapy, the intervention comes in to give the child an alternative way. A case on a child's aggression: A child began pulling another child's hair. What will you do? Are we going to punish the child or to give the child another alternative way to help to channel aggression into a similar, but more acceptable, form of movement quality? Aggressive movement qualities are seen as part of normal progression of movement phases and are not prohibited (Loman, 1992).

Intervention: Taken from an article by Susan Loman

'Father told the child to stop pulling but intervention not effective, child still continued to do so. In response, the father continually shadowed his son, and the atmosphere in the group became tense.

Leader gave the children a large box of tissue paper into the room and encouraged children to explore it. The children squeezed it into balls, put it on their heads, tore it, and threw it. At first, the hair-pulling boy was delicate with the tissue paper, but after seeing what the other children were doing, he began to experiment. He especially enjoyed an interaction with the group leader which involved a 'tug of war' with the tissue paper that used the same movement pattern as hair pulling. A little later in the session, when the boy again attempted to pull the younger child's hair, the leader intervened immediately, offering him the tissue paper and saying, "We can't pull the children's hair, but we can pull the tissue paper." The boy was provide with tissue paper after each attempt at hair-pulling. By next week, he had completely stopped pulling the younger child's hair.' (Loman, 1992)

This is to help the boy to release his aggression and it takes time to intervene as well as for the boy to understand that pulling someone's hair hurts.

My encounter:

A little girl was crying frantically one day when she came into the centre with her mother after I came out of my session. The owner of the centre carried her and tried to comfort her but she just kept crying. Later, she passed her to me as she needed to attend to the mother who came by to purchase some baby products. I sensed the baby was very upset and kept crying for her mummy. Her mummy didn't know what to do and I heard that the baby had always been crying and it had been a regular episode. While the mother was looking at the products for her baby, I took care of her baby.

I sensed that the baby needed to cry and also to express herself. I just used very gentle swaying rhythm (KMP), supported her by holding her close to my body as I stayed grounded. I gave her the space to cry and express herself. I acknowledged by whispering into her ears that I was listening, I heard her and I understood. I reflected back with my words in a calm and low tone of voice and letting her express her feelings through crying. It came to a point, she actually started to communicate with me. I could hear the change of the cries into a talk as she talked to me about her feelings in sobs. I continued to acknowledge her. After for about 15 to 20 min, she stopped crying and had expressed what she wanted to say, she became so alert and happy. She began to look for her mother with a smile. Her mother was completely amazed that she actually stopped crying and smiled. This was an encounter with the baby whom I had never met. I followed her cues and attuned at that point of time to her needs and it worked. She did not speak a single word yet as she was a very young infant perhaps 6 months or less. It would be great if I had it captured in the video how I had intervened and you get an idea of it.

*This is not the first time I have observed that it worked. Understanding and reading baby's cues and needs can help a parent how to meet baby's needs as well as yours.*

Interested in understanding the developmental movements based on Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP), check our website Embodied Movement for 'Moving The Rhythm' workshops. Read our participants' sharings who have done the workshops.

Sharing on Authentic Movement: Back to Base

"It was the first time trying authentic movement. In moving, I felt a freedom to allow space for my emotions which I had previously felt that i could not reveal. I was given permission to feel using my body and those emotions when expressed were not reproofed or judged but respected and allowed to be. It was a liberating experience to simply move without having to intellectualise, rationalise or justify, to myself or others." ~ Rupa

Interested to explore the discipline of Authentic Movement?
The first session will commence in September 2013 in Schiedam, Netherlands.
Check our website
Embodied Movement for more details.
Another workshop for Women will be held in August 2013.
NO previous dance experiences is required.

29 June 2013

"Dancing for Blue: The Movement Revolution - Giving Autism a Voice"

In my last visit to Singapore in April and May 2013, I gave training to about 40 students each from ITE College East (the Interact Club of ITE College East, the nursing students and students from the Community Care and Social Services course) on two separate days, 24 & 25 April 2013; and another day, 2 May 2013 to the special educators in THKMC centre to share about Dance therapy and Autism.

I was firstly being approached by Rovena Plique about being a volunteer for a good cause.
Rovena formed the International Dancers for Humanity (IDH4) - a network of volunteer dancers and an advocacy group utilising dance as instruments of social change. The project "Dancing for Blue" was initiated by ID4H and organised with ITE College East and the Rotary E-Club of 3310. I join them as my heart desire is to give a voice to Autism and to share about the benefits of Dance Therapy especially working with Autism. It happened to coincide with the Autism Month upon my return and thus, together with ITE college East, we launched the project. The project entails the ITE students to run movement activities with the children in the THKMC centre after the training. It is part of their community work for the society. My purpose is to encourage them to communicate with the children with autism condition, to understand and relate them from their perspectives and applying the concept and principle of Dance Therapy such as 'Mirroring' and 'Being seen'. 

This project was done out of my own time and love for the children. I went down to observe the children, discussed with the principal and the coordinator of ITE, to ensure the project commences in July onwards is smooth sailing before I headed back to Netherlands.  I also want to thank Dawn Sim, Valerie Tan and Andrea Chen for their generous heart and time to volunteer and assist me in the training.  I am proud that Dawn is on her journey in her study and Andrea has enrolled for her study this year, to join our community as our future Dance Therapists in Singapore.  

The featured column in the 'In School', Straits Times, took me by surprise.  In the first place, I didn't expect that a journalist would come down to write about the 'Dancing for Autism' on the second day of the training. Below is a scan of the article sent by Grace Angel, the coordinator of ITE College East. The bottom of the article was cut off (see below). A student shared this,

"One of the most interesting thing I learnt was how to communicate with an autistic child by mirroring him. I did not think it would actually work, but you are actually communicating with them,'' said the fitness training student.

"Now, I understand a bit more about why they behave the way they do."

27 May 2013

Parents' Testimony

"Through the recommendation from my son's tutor, I came to know of Dance & Movement therapy and Elizabeth. I took the opportunity to try out four sessions with Elizabeth when she was in Singapore. I was hoping to use the therapy to calm my son and improve his behaviour. To my delight, my son enjoyed attending all her sessions. The sessions allowed him to feel at ease with himself. I saw my son using his own dance movements to express his feelings, something which I had not seen him do before. He was also trying to express himself more by requesting to do writing during the short break in between his movements. By the third session, I could see even more positive results as my son was feeling more calm during the session. During the last session, I was pleasantly surprised that my son was receptive to changes when Elizabeth brilliantly led him to write on the reverse side of the drawing paper. My son had this habit of writing on only one side of the paper for years and that was the first time I saw him obediently agree to change his writing habit. I believe that my son could benefit even more from Elizabeth's sessions on a longer term basis. Unfortunately, Elizabeth is not based in Singapore and I can only look forward to her sessions again when she next visits." --- Mrs Lam, mother of a 12 year-old autistic boy

Note from author:
I work from the child's perspective in the sessions. Part of Dance Movement Psychotherapy is about looking into the lens of our clients, into their inner world.  To do that, one of the keys is by reading their nonverbal cues.  Dance Movement Therapy works in short and long term depending on the areas to be worked on in the sessions. However it is NOT a quick fixed solution to a problem.  I work on what is needed at that point of time for the child to cope with self and the environment. ~  Elizabeth Rutten-Ng


Elizabeth was introduced by a mutual friend to work with my 7-year old boy, A. He has sensory processing disorder and dyspraxia. We did two sessions with Elizabeth in May, involving A, his four year old sister B and me (A's and B's mother).

A and B loved the dance therapy sessions. B even cried when the first session ended. The dance therapy helped A and B gain confidence in their own movements and to enjoy expressing their emotions through movement. They learnt to listen to the music, to follow the rhythm of the music and appreciate the change in tempo. 

Elizabeth worked very well with A and B. She was able to establish a rapport with the two children very easily and gain their friendship. She was in touch with their inner selves and encouraged them to try new movements. The two children enjoyed the sessions very much. I would recommend her as a dance therapist for any child who needs to express their individualism through dance / movement.
L. (A and B mummy)
*names have been changed to protect privacy. 

Other Testimony
An interview with mum over our programme she has attended with her son in the last three years in a video. (Click on the word 'video' to view it.)

Thank you parents for the testimonials and permission to put them up on my blog. 

* For private individual session at studio or home, please check our services on our website or contact Elizabeth.  

22 May 2013

Lessons About Children

 "The soul is healed by being with children."
~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky,1868

Reflections on what I learn about and from the children I witness wherever I go and work with over the years. Collection of my reflections to share with you about the marvel what we can learn about and from children. More will be added as I go along with my reflections. ~ Elizabeth Rutten-Ng (Thank you to Elena, who encourages me to put them on my blog.)

'Every child is unique and special. Looking through their inner lens, 
into their inner world, we may better understand them. 
The language of movement speaks volumes.
Our body never lies and carries our every experience.'
~ Elizabeth Rutten-Ng
16 May 2013
Children have this natural channel of love and kindness.
It flows right from their hearts.
They give without expectation.
They share with all their hearts.

The sparkling glittering eyes shine right through from their hearts,
their smiles radiate such love, joy and presence with you.

Witnessing every child's smile in every moment teaches me to be like them.

To share, to give right from within.

16 May 2013
Nothing can replace a child's beautiful memory of the days spent with parents.

I have observed the desire of a child's heart and wish is that parents spending time with them especially in play. Witnessing the true joy from the faces of the children when mum and dad joined in the fun with them.

29 April 2013
Children bridge relationships. Children always love to involve both parents in their activity. I witness again and again children in fact bring out the inner child in a parent, laughter and joy again through dance-play. If parents can shed the inhibition and open up to the 'calling' of the child's invitation to play and dance, it not only releases the inner child in the parent but also establishes a deeper bondng and connection between parent and child, father and mother.

Children is a gift! I am so honoured and thankful to be in this line of work - because I witness so many beautiful moments in the dancing dialogue between parent and child, father and mother as a team.
9 April 2013
Working with children, being congruence in our verbal and nonverbal communication is essential.
When it is not, it will give a confusing message.
Children are very sensitive. They sense first through their body before reaching to the brain.

6 April 2013
Children always sowed beautiful priceless lessons in my heart.
They always make me smile! 

21 February 2013
Every child has different learning style.
Work from the child's perspective and understand his/her learning style first to effect optimal learning. 

20 February 2013
What a child experiences is so important because it sets and forms the memory bank of the past to the present.
18 July 2013
Pure connection brings joy and tears to our eyes and smile to our hearts.
Children clearly radiate and reflect deep pure connection with their presence especially in their eyes.
When their inner child speaks and meets our inner child within,
the joy is unspeakable because two souls have connected without words.
It has touched the deepest of our souls.

It is just like magic!

*Even with children with special needs. The magical moments when they make eye contact especially when it is difficult for them, that moment moves me so deeply.*

18 July 2013
As I enter into the world of each baby through their lens, I find my own inner child being reflected back at me. 
19 July 2013
Babies are the most sensitive being. They pick up every vibes in us whether consciously or unconsciously. What goes on within, a baby senses your body.


* More reflections are in my personal profile, I will add them accordingly to the date I have posted in my posts.  Stay Tune! 

21 May 2013

Sharing on Authentic Movement and Moving The Rhythm

My body moved to a cradle position, and I remembered my childhood photo of myself playing with my toes.

My body seemed to remember the delight and joy, of reaching out to my toes and swinging my limbs, and rocking myself left and right.The baby was curious and playing and exploring.

There was an innate intelligence that shifted me to be on fours; after all the tugging and stretching, my limbs were strong to crawl. The baby in me willed herself to keep crawling ahead; there was such a strong will to move, to expand my space boundaries. It was a fearless, independent spiritual will.

Sometimes, I sat and rested; sometimes, I paused and checked my steps; sometimes, I crawled in circles. In whatever ways I moved, I was never tired of exploring, being curious. There was not a moment of stagnancy; but full of aliveness, in rest and in movement. The movements naturally trained my body enough for the next milestone: to pull myself up and stand.

In this 20-min segment of Authentic Movement as a mover, I relearned the spiritual lessons of infancy. It was humbling and inspiring.

In all ordeals, there is a divine natural timing to our growth; our responsibility is to keep growing and learning anew in each encounter. We meet different kinds of rhythms in life and in our relationships, and they help us discover our indomitable spirit to transform, to move on, to be patient and keep practising until we get it! 

~ Goh Yee Ling, facilitator of Inner Work, attended the workshop 'Moving the Rhythm' and 'Authentic Movement - Back to Base' in Singapore 2013

14 May 2013


One of the participants who has been attending my workshops/sessions since 2011. This is the recent workshop, collaborated with Vincent Yong, Danspire in Singapore 2013, 'About Contact Improvisation and Dance Therapy'.

The testimony:
Saturday's workshop was very good for me...i saw myself more, the other facet of me. I knew the theory, i read a lot, i experienced in my team, yet - that one with you and Vincent is more than an insight - it was also a "doing what i am" and "conscious of my being". there are here and now experience that aligning all the theory and understanding with the act.

But i still need to learn more on the process. Yesterday i learn about my being in my group, experimenting something (and with unconditional positive regards!! THANKS!). But i also notice that the center of my thought is still on "me"..my process, etc. I have not really go beyond myself - to think and reaching others, with true love and caring. Maybe it will go along the process..hopefully....

Every moment with you - was able to draw me deeper into myself. Thank you so much. Maybe i can share with you, what has become my wish. i want to learn to love. it is the most difficult thing to do. well...what is life all about if i don't take a chance to move further.

Ms Elizabeth, there are no words can express how thankful i am ...to meet you in this journey. i knew there are no coincidence in life. it is by choice. and in 2011 when i found you, i was at the bottom of the sea, lost in the deep blue sea - don't know what to do or even who am I and what is my life purpose. But i knew - i want to serve HIM - that is my one and only reason - up to this time. so, it was also the reason that saved me from depression in 2008 -2010.

in 2011 I prayed for God to help me reconstruct my self - but i started with nothing - no real job - no money - no friend - no direction. Then i found you. Before that, i also asked God a plea, one thing i want at the end of my life : i want to dance again. I don't know why , but when i dance, i can cry ..though i am crying because of i am happy.

Amazingly, 2011 onwards, God change my life, my entire life - and the Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) become my "retreat" beside of my spiritual moment with Him. So, that's why i always cherish the day when i got there.

Thank you and thank you...I'll see you when i see you again....God bless you!

~ R. flew from Indonesia since 2011 to Singapore to attend my workshops/sessions


Hello Elizabeth,
I hope you're doing well.. Im here to specially thank you so much for letting me and my brother A. to attend your adult session the other day in Grace for free.. i know that you're a one of the professional and giving us a free session was really a blessing to us... You remember i did told you that I had this 50% of confidence in doing things? And my free child rate was 5.. I guess sister K. did told you that we were going through a very tough time as our dad passed away not long ago and our mum is currently in depression which really at times don't encourage us to do things.. But well, after what I told you about my realization and you told me that it was good for me to voice out because when i acknowledge it, that is where i'm gonna start improving..
i did talk to God about this after that and i told God that if i have the guts to say it out already, why not? Like, if God wasn't there with me at the first place, i would have not tell what is inside of me.. So, i prayed that God will help me through this and it really came true!
Usually when my mum or any other family member asked me to pray for something, like saying grace also, i really had trouble..i would think , why me, what am i gonna pray, how.. to cut the long story short, one morning, my mum asked me to pray for her because she felt confused of herself.. at first, i was hesitated too.. but i didn't think much and just hold her hands and started praying... and words just flows out from my mouth naturally.. and i can't believe myself after doing that and it was a good start for me! And when i thought back, i think i would have not step out from this if you have not let us join your session.. and maybe God has His plan that not many were there for the session.. if it turns out to be a lot of people, i guess, i will still hold back and i would have not voice out..
So, i really like to thank you so much for having us in your session and may your teaching or coaching or whatever people call it brings blessing to many.. and even though sometimes things may discourage us as in many ways but i believed that God has His plan and purpose for each and everything..
Have a nice day and God bless you!

~ B. K. age 19, attended an adult session in the church. In this workshop, it ties in with the request of the spiritual aspect. 

13 May 2013

Interview with Mum

Thank you Mum for the interview.  Mum and her child has attended our programme 'Move in Art Jam' and 'Sharing Dance with your Child' in 2011 and 2012; and after 'Movin' Tales' for children in 2013. 

21 April 2013

Sharing - About Contact Improvisation and Dance Therapy

When one is moving freestyle with no choreography, I think this may be when one is "being" their truest and most authentic self.

As one is 'being' their current actual self and not doing/acting an ideal self.

Using freestyle to move is really amazing as one can find out so much about oneself.

A day of familiarity, feeling comfort, happiness to some unexpected self-discovery.

To be truly free and uninhibited and not simply 'feeling' so, one gotta be truly comfortable in one's own skin in any situation.

CI and DMT are very amazing indeed. And, I realised... I need to jia you le!

 : ))  ~Chunling, Joy

3 March 2013

Feedback Moving The Rhythm Workshop NL 2013

On Friday March First, I participated in Elizabeth Rutten-Ng Siew Choo's workshop:
"Moving the Rhythms" in Groningen, the Netherlands.

It was a grounding experience to spend time on embodying the rhythms and to be able to interact in a playful way with each other. In the last part of the workshop we got to understand the rhythms in the context of interactions as well as interventions.

Thank you Elizabeth!

It was also nice to hear the names of Katy Dymoke (a former student of mine) and to see the name of my friend and colleague Amelia Ender again (as contributor to The Meaning of Movement book).

It is a small world after all.

The Kestenberg movement work is definitely important to people working with Somatics and Somatic Movement approaches. It has strong connections to the different approaches that work with developmental movement patterns.

The developmental work is an integral part of the 5 Pillars Somatics method at the Somatic Movement Practitioner Training. (www.somaticmovementinstitute.com)

~ Shared by Jacques van Eijden

Thank you Jacques for the feedback and sharing.
Jacques is also going to teach the developmental movements in the European Conference BMC in Amsterdam. Check the website for the details. http://www.substanz.ch/bmc_inspiring_somatics/

An article on Moving the Rhythm is also shared in my blog. 

Workshop is also available online and in Singapore April/May 2013.
Check our website Embodied Movement for more information. 

If you like me to facilitate the workshop, special arrangement can be made for parents, educators, professionals or the general public.

19 February 2013

Moving The Rhythm

'As a practitioner and educator, 
I continue to address my body knowledge/body prejudice through supervision.' 
~ Jessica L. Young

Rhythm? Why study rhythm? Is this just an ordinary rhythm?

Moving the Rhythm
is a programme Embodied Movement has created based on the Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP) on the Tension-Flow Rhythm. After studying, training, exploring and embodying Tension-Flow Rhythm since 2005, I have discovered the richness in the materials other than using it in clinical work and also in my personal life. KMP is a tool where human movements are being observed and in the process aid in understanding the drives and biological needs of each individual through the tension-flow rhythms, for instance.

In 2005, before becoming a dance therapist, I attended the five days intensive Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) introduction in Antioch University New England. Susan Loman introduced KMP in one of the 4-days programme. Immediately I was drawn and attracted to the tension-flow rhythm materials. It is part of the materials which opens and sparkles a journey of my own process, other than DMT training, supervision, Laban Movement Analysis, Authentic Movement, the four modules in Body-Mind Centering (BMC) leading to Infant Development Movement Education (IDME) and Ways of Seeing Training.

After exploring the training in Tension-Flow Rhythm for three rounds, each time, it revealed information in embodying the materials. My on-going process of addressing ‘my body knowledge and body prejudice’ (Young, 2012) has enabled me to understand my culture, my preferences and my discomfort through KMP tension-flow rhythms and attributes.

In the clinical work, with the knowledge of KMP, it has provided me insights into the world of the children and adults. Even it is out of the therapy setting context, facilitating programmes, workshops and in teaching, KMP has become a valuable tool. Having embodying the materials bodily since 2005, the awareness of the rhythms equip me even in my personal life - in relationship with others and myself.


(A) Understanding Toddler at 2

An article is written on ‘Understanding Toddler at 2’ based on the KMP snapping and biting rhythm

(B) Personal discovery and application in life

I am aware my nature has the tendency to be in a start/stop rhythm. It is a useful rhythm when a task has to be completed. It enables me to complete my task and meet the deadline. However, if I am always in a start/stop rhythm throughout my day and my life, soon I may suffer from burn-out. I learnt about the running and drifting rhythm, another rhythm of tension-flow. I have come to acknowledge that it hardly existed in my movement repertoire. When I understand the quality of this rhythm, it becomes useful and I learn to embody this quality when I am on a holiday and when my body needs a break. Because I have moved, explored, embodied the rhythm in my body, I am able to apply it in my personal life.

(C) What about clinical work?

I carry the KMP lens in working with my clients. This is one of the lens I use other than the other trainings I have studied (I integrate all the materials in my work). With the knowledge of the KMP material, it gives me avenues to understand the inner state of a child or an adult. With the insight, I am able to relate and enter into the world of the client and work from there with intervention.

Having used the materials and finding it useful, I was inspired to create the Moving the Rhythm workshop based on KMP Tension-Flow Rhythms since 2010. It is available to parents, educators, professionals and general public in the workshops to explore the 10 Tension-Flow Rhythms; in understanding the movement patterns across the lifespan. The purpose of this workshop is to gain an insight into the KMP rhythms and movement cues in babies, children and adults. The materials will contribute in establishing a deeper connecting relationship between parent and child, relating and understanding with one another in another level, dimension and dynamic through tension-flow rhythms. In the teaching and therapy settings, the educators and professional will be informed by KMP – a tool to understand what a movement may possibly be saying.

Check our website Embodied Movement for our workshops. 
Welcome to read the feedback from our participants.

Notation is NOT taught in this workshop for clinical assessment. For clinical assessment, movement analysis and research work, to be certified for it, the training comprises of 3 parts of 4 days each by Susan Loman.

Young, J.L. (2012) Bringing My Body into My Body of knowledge as a Dance/Movement Therapy Educator, AmericanJournal of Dance Therapy. 34 (2), 141-158. 
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