21 November 2012

KMP Massage Demo Online - Feedback

Recently, I gave a Free KMP Massage Demo live online over the Webinar. Here are the feedback from all the three participants.


 "This demo on KMP massage was informative as it gave a vocabulary of terms to specific movement patterns.  The instructor would demonstrate the movement, and we would follow.  It was clear to see her movements in the camera.  She would demonstrate specific hands up close and whole body movements further away.  The instructor answered questions participants had.  The start of the meeting was unorganized as participants struggled with technical challenges.  I would recommend logging in at least 15 minutes prior to the start time of the course, to make sure these technical difficulties are already dealt with.  The instructor was knowledgeable on the topic and gave clear explanations and demonstrations of each movement pattern.  Input about the use of these patterns on children with autism was great!  Would love more of this!"

~ Laura Lynne Simonson


Dear Liz, it was eye-opening for me to join in the KMP massage demo. Even though, it was done online, your instructions were clear and having a partner to practise on, was very good as we could see and feel the effects of each rhythm. For me, the KMP massage was eye-opening because I did not know there were so many different ways we could use our hands or fingers or even wrists and each rhythm could give such a different feel when applied on another's back.

Henry and I have enjoyed learning about the different KMP rhythms and we have also used the techniques taught during the demo on each other and also on our 21 month old daughter.

Thank you for availing yourself to teach us. God bless, Karen and Henry and little Joan :)


"This is the first time i'm doing training on-line and i must say that i was able to learn easily, although at first i thought it might be a bit difficult learning movements on-line!  Elizabeth was very clear and answered my queries clearly.  Thanks a heap!"  ~ A.K., Therapist


EM is offering KMP online course on Tension-Flow Rhythm Part One on 24 November and 12 December. Check it out on our website www.embodied-movement.com and for registration click on Contact Us Tab

KMP Workshop - 'Moving the Rhythm' is based on the Tension-Flow Rhythm and has been run twice in Singapore. In March 2013, a re-run of the workshop will be held.  Part Two on Tension-Flow Attributes will be held after Part One in another visit. 

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To view feedback from our participants, check them out in our blog. 

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