27 January 2014

Embodied Movement News - Singapore - 2014

Greetings! Peace, Shalom, Namaste!


How has your beginning of 2014 been for you and your family? 
I hope you are well.

First of all, I would like to thank you for your encouragement and support over the last three years. Without you, I could not have grown in my professional work in Embodied Movement.

Embodied Movement is coming back again to Singapore and Asia in March and April. I hope to bring you more new hope and inspiration through our workshops, training, education and dance movement psychotherapy. 

My life has always been inspired, healed, touched and transformed by creative arts. As a dance movement therapist, educator, facilitator, friend, my wish for you is 

I Hope You Dance, the inspiring Embodied Movement theme for the year 2014. 

Dance has changed, healed and transformed my life both literally or metaphorically. With the skills, knowledge, education, experiences and expertise in my field over the last 20 years, I hope to further bring, share and sparkle off what I have learnt, studied, reflected, to you in the “Dance”, with yourself, your child, partner, family, colleagues, friends, people whom you interact… and in your everyday life. My mission is to lead you into a holistic experience: “To dance in, through and with the flow of life.” In my work as a therapist, facilitator and educator, I have witnessed numerous transformations and growth in my clients and participants in the last 8 years in internship, training and as a fully pledged dance movement therapist, my heart experiences unspeakable joy when I witness the “gem” glow in you and your child. What an honour! Thank you! 

To share another piece of great news, I am also a Ways of Seeing (WOS) practitioner, growing professionally in the intensive advanced studies with Dr Suzi Tortora, author of “Dancing Dialogue” and experienced international infant mental health leaders in infant mental health and early childhood, in the last two years. With this, I am offering new services, workshops, trainings, education, consultation to further support parents and educators in early childhood and in the family system in Singapore and Asia other than in my work in the Netherlands.

My travel schedule to Singapore will be:
10 March to 11 May,
23 June to 31 August,
November (dates yet to be confirmed)

I am delighted to present and update you:

For Adults:

For Parent-Child:

For Children:

For Parents & Educators:

  • New Service: Talk/Training/Education/Consultation/Support for schools, association, institution, organisation, centres

For Children & Youth with Special needs:

  • Children Camp by Igniter: Dance Movement Therapy is one of the programmes in the camp. 
  • Youth camp will be held in June 2014.  

For Private Dance Movement Psychotherapy:

  • Individual private therapy appointment has to be made early before March to make the necessary arrangement with studio.
  • Parental review session is incorporated in the therapy when your child is in therapy.
  • Continued email and online consultation for follow-up.

For Registration: 
  • Enrolment is open for registration on our website. Check our Early Bird Registration and promo!

For Testimony: 

Embodied Movement also has a new email: elizabeth@embodied-movement.com and all news will be sent out from the new email.

You are always welcome to email me if you have any questions, like to collaborate or invite me to your organisations/schools.

Looking forward to seeing you and your child again! 

Love & Hugs,
Founder & Director of Embodied Movement

9 January 2014

Mindfulness - Being Presence

Photo is accredited to Kevin Hoo, a friend photographer
Mindfulness is being presence with your whole entire being - mind, body, emotion, spirit within ourselves and with the outer world.

When we become mindful, we stay with the presence between self and others including the environment.

Developing mindfulness is part of self-care. Listening to our body, when we need to take a pause, when it is too much, when it is enough....

When we do that, with the mindfulness and conscious awareness of being presence, we are able to practice self-care daily.

Especially when we cultivate a mindfulness presence, with children, children sense our whole presence with them. To interact, connect, relate and sense our children, the dynamic of the relationship goes into another state and level of bonding.

It goes the same with our partner, colleagues and people we interact with.

Mindfulness is also about practising groundeness in our body especially when we may encounter unexpected crisis or situation which calls us to stay calm and able to have a clear mind to cope at hand.

I witness a reaction to an action plays a huge difference in the interaction and connection with self and others. It does creates a ripple effect on how we are with ourselves and others in any kind of situation and relationship by being mindful and consciously aware of self and outer.

The innate internal reflection holds the key to nurture a mindfulness presence.
Reflection by Elizabeth Rutten-Ng, Founder & Director of Embodied Movement. She gives workshops which touches on Mindfulness in her Embodied Awareness Programmes in using a various combination of approaches. 

7 January 2014

Sharing by a Mum - In Dutch

Photo of Parent-Child is taken in Singapore in 'Sharing Dance with you Child' session, the sharing by a mum below is a similar programme in Netherlands. Photo taken by Jeroen Rutten, my husband.

De "Sharing Dance with your Child" sessies waren in de eerste plaats heel erg leuk om te doen. Ik had het idee dat mijn dochter van 2 het ook erg leuk vond dat we samen ergens aan meededen op een andere locatie. Het is niet alleen het kind dat deelneemt. Je doet samen als ouder en kind mee. 

Daarnaast leerde Elizabeth mij al spelender- en dansenderwijs op een nieuwe manier kijken naar de bewegingen van mijn kind en leerde mij zo eigenlijk de bewegingen van mijn kind te lezen. De communicatie met peuters (mijn peuter althans) is niet altijd even makkelijk aangezien ze zich verbaal nog niet helemaal verstaanbaar kunnen maken maar we hebben niet alleen spraak nodig om inzicht te krijgen in wat er in een kind omgaat. Elizabeth liet mij door de fysieke bewegingen te benoemen die zij mijn dochter zag maken terwijl wij aan het dansen waren, zien waar mijn dochter mentaal mee bezig is. Het springen, het hurken, het ordenen, het klein maken, het strekken, het stampen etc.. Allemaal uitdrukkingen die laten zien waar ze zoal mee bezig is (krachtmeten, geborgenheid, zindelijkheid, plek zoeken in en aarden op de wereld etc.). 

Daarnaast leerde ze hoe je met simpele attributen zoals sjaals de interactie kan vergroten en gunstig kan beïnvloeden door je kind te helpen of juist in controle te laten zijn. Ook het spiegelen van elkaar en het volgen of juist leiden beïnvloedt de interactie. Je leert op een leuke manier een nieuwe vorm van communiceren. Het helpt natuurlijk ook bijzonder dat Elizabeth zelf  een fijne en warme persoonlijkheid is en zij interfereerde of hield zich juist afzijdig op de juiste momenten zodat het uiterste uit de tijd kon worden gehaald. 

Ik had heel graag aan de sessies die Elizabeth ook doceert aan ouders /baby’s willen deelnemen toen mijn dochter nog zo klein was. Wie weet had me dat een heleboel hoofdbrekens gescheeld maar het had me in ieder geval meer inzicht kunnen geven in dat soms ondoorgrondelijke karaktertje waardoor je sneller vertrouwt zult raken met je kind wat door sommigen wellicht als iets vanzelfsprekends wordt gezien maar zeker niet altijd geldt. ~ Mieke

Thank you Mieke for sharing about the sessions which is held in Netherlands. Interested in our programme, visit our Embodied Movement website for more information. Registration is also available on our website. New classes are starting this week. If the time does not fit you, welcome to email for a possible new time slot.
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